Challenges faced by MEP contractors using traditional methods

Rightserve solutions
3 min readOct 9, 2024


As the construction industry keeps on advancing, so do the frameworks and advancements utilized inside it. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) contractors have generally depended on manual strategies to plan, plan, and execute their ventures. Notwithstanding, this approach has become progressively obsolete despite changing advancements and the developing intricacy of present day building projects. In this article, we’ll investigate the difficulties looked by MEP contractors who keep on utilizing conventional frameworks, and why it’s the ideal opportunity for them to consider modernizing their methodology.

The challenges

While conventional MEP frameworks have been effective previously, they have a few impediments in the present construction industry. Here are the absolute most critical difficulties looked by MEP contractors utilizing conventional frameworks:

Inefficient Pre-Construction Design Reviews with Project Team:

The customary coordination framework requires various gatherings and surveys with project groups before construction starts. These gatherings can be tedious and wasteful, prompting postpones in the undertaking timetable and inflated costs. Moreover, the utilization of 2D drawings and models frequently brings about fragmented or off base portrayals of the genuine structure frameworks, making it hard to recognize and determine conflicts before construction starts.

Decentralized Design Responsibility and More Interferences in Problem-Solving:

The decentralized plan liability in conventional coordination frameworks implies that various groups might be answerable for planning various pieces of the structure frameworks, prompting irregularities and conflicts during construction. What’s more, the absence of a unified way to deal with critical thinking can prompt deferrals and inflated costs, as each group might have an alternate way to deal with settling issues.

Expensive Rework to Accommodate Unexpected Changes

Changes in the plan during construction are normal, however they can be expensive and tedious with customary coordination frameworks. Adjusting plans and frameworks to oblige startling changes can bring about delays and inflated costs, particularly assuming that the progressions are huge.

Time-Consuming Sequential Task Due to Lack of Automation for Clash Detection:

The absence of robotization for conflict recognition in customary coordination frameworks implies that conflicts are many times distinguished late in the construction cycle, prompting delays and adjust. Moreover, the successive idea of the customary coordination process implies that undertakings should be finished in a particular request, which can prompt further deferrals and shortcomings.

How MEP Coordination Systems Overcome These Challenges

MEP coordination frameworks have altered the construction industry by tending to the difficulties looked by MEP contractors with customary coordination frameworks. These frameworks utilize 3D displaying and representation devices to upgrade conflict recognition and goal, computerize the conflict location process, and get all partners in total agreement during the underlying start up gatherings. The advantages of utilizing MEP coordination frameworks include:

Enhances 3D Visualization of Clashes and Eases Clash Resolution:

MEP coordination frameworks give a thorough 3D perception of building frameworks, empowering contractors to productively distinguish and determine conflicts more. The framework permits contractors to picture the area and degree of the conflict and roll out vital improvements before construction starts, decreasing the requirement for costly revise.

Automates Clash Detection Process:

MEP coordination frameworks computerize the conflict location process, diminishing the time expected for manual audit and working on the exactness of conflict identification. The framework recognizes possible conflicts between various structure frameworks and alarms the worker for hire, permitting them to roll out essential improvements before construction starts.

Gets Stakeholders on the Same Page in Initial Kick-Off Meetings:

MEP coordination frameworks guarantee that all partners are in total agreement during the underlying start up gatherings. The framework gives an incorporated stage to correspondence and cooperation, guaranteeing that all gatherings grasp the undertaking objectives, timetables, and prerequisites.

Ensures Accurate Component Pre-Fabrication for MEP Renovation Projects:

MEP coordination frameworks work with exact part pre-creation for MEP redesign projects. The framework gives precise estimations and determinations, permitting contractors to manufacture parts off-site and diminishing the requirement for on location alterations.

Facilitates Accurate Construction and Site Activity Planning:

MEP coordination frameworks work with exact construction and site movement arranging by giving a point by point and precise 3D model of the structure frameworks. The framework permits contractors to design the construction succession, oversee site operations, and upgrade asset usage.

Improves Facility Management:

MEP coordination frameworks further develop office the executives by giving exact and forward-thinking building framework data.



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